

Emma Robbie

The hardest language for English speakers to learn

The hardest language for English speakers to learn

The hardest language for English speakers to learn

Have you ever wondered what the hardest language for English speakers to learn is? With thousands of languages in the world, it can be tricky to determine which one stands out as the most challenging. If you’re an English speaker thinking about tackling a new language, or just curious about linguistic endeavors, this guide is for you!

Understanding Language Difficulty

Before diving in, it's important to understand that the difficulty of a language can be subjective. Some people might find certain languages easier based on their own learning style and interests. However, linguists and language institutions like the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) have identified some languages that are notoriously tough for native English speakers.

The Criteria: What Makes a Language Hard?

Several factors contribute to the difficulty level of a language:

  • Grammar complexity: Some languages have intricate grammatical rules that differ significantly from English.

  • Writing system: Learning a new script or characters can add an extra layer of challenge.

  • Phonetics: The sounds and tones in a language might be difficult for English speakers to master.

  • Cultural differences: Understanding cultural nuances and context can impact language learning.

The Contenders: Difficult Languages

Based on these criteria, here are some languages often cited as the hardest for English speakers:

Chinese (Mandarin)

Mandarin tops the list for many reasons. The writing system uses thousands of characters, each representing a word or concept, which is completely different from the alphabetic system of English. On top of that, Mandarin is tonal, meaning the same syllable can have different meanings based on its pitch. But don't be discouraged—many learners enjoy the challenge and the beauty of the language!


Arabic's complexity comes from its script, grammar, and phonetics. The Arabic script is written from right to left and has different forms depending on where the letter appears in a word. The grammar includes a root system, which can make vocabulary tricky to pick up. Additionally, there are several sounds in Arabic that don’t exist in English, which can be hard to pronounce for beginners.


Japanese is another heavyweight when it comes to difficulty. The writing system consists of three different scripts: Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji (characters borrowed from Chinese). Learning Kanji is particularly challenging because there are thousands of characters to memorize. The grammar is also quite different, with a subject-object-verb order, and there are various levels of politeness that must be mastered.


While Korean has the relatively simple Hangul alphabet, its grammar can be perplexing. Verbs are conjugated in a way that reflects the subject’s status and the formality of the situation, and sentence structure can be very different from English. The phonetics also include sounds not found in English, adding to the complexity.

Navigating the Challenge

Despite these languages being complex, countless learners have mastered them. Here are a few tips to help you along the way:

  • Immerse yourself: Surround yourself with the language as much as possible through music, films, books, and conversations with native speakers.

  • Practice consistently: Set aside time daily or weekly to practice. Consistency is key!

  • Find a community: Join online forums, language exchange groups, or classes to build a support system and practice partners.

  • Celebrate small wins: Learning a difficult language takes time, so celebrate each milestone to stay motivated.

Wrapping Up

While Chinese, Arabic, Japanese, and Korean are often considered the hardest languages for English speakers to learn, the journey to mastering a new language can be incredibly rewarding. Embrace the challenge, stay curious, and remember that every step forward is progress. Happy learning!

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