

Emma Robbie

Games to Make Learning English Fun in Class

Games to Make Learning English Fun in Class

Games to Make Learning English Fun in Class

Learning English doesn’t have to be all about textbooks and grammar exercises. In fact, integrating games into your lessons can make learning much more enjoyable and effective! Below are some fantastic games to learn English in class that will spice up your teaching methods and have your students engaging with the language in a fun and dynamic way.

Classroom Jenga

Level up the classic game!

Everyone loves Jenga, right? You can make this popular game educational by writing questions on each block. These questions can be related to vocabulary, grammar, or conversational prompts. When a student pulls a block, they must answer the question on it. This way, students practice their English skills while trying to keep the tower from falling!

How to Play

  • Write questions or prompts on each Jenga block.

  • Students take turns pulling out blocks and answering the questions.

  • If the tower falls, the student who caused it must answer two extra questions!

20 Questions

A guessing game that promotes critical thinking

This classic game encourages students to use descriptive language, ask questions, and think critically. One student thinks of a word, and the others have 20 chances to ask yes-or-no questions to guess what it is. This game promotes vocabulary development and conversational skills.

How to Play

  • Select one student to think of a word.

  • The rest of the class takes turns asking yes-or-no questions.

  • The goal is to guess the word within 20 questions.


Act it out!

Charades is fantastic for developing non-verbal communication and vocabulary skills. It also encourages students to think about how they can explain words without using speech. Split the class into teams and have students act out English words or phrases while their teammates guess.

How to Play

  • Write various English words or phrases on slips of paper.

  • Split the class into two teams.

  • One student from a team picks a slip and acts out the word or phrase without speaking.

  • Their team has to guess the word within a set time limit.

Story Cubes

Unleash creativity and storytelling skills

Using picture dice or story cubes can help students with their creative writing and storytelling skills. Each student takes a turn rolling dice that have different images on each side. They then have to use those images to create a story. This game is excellent for practicing grammar, vocabulary, and creative thinking.

How to Play

  • Provide students with a set of story cubes or picture dice.

  • Each student takes turns rolling the dice and creating a story based on the images.

  • Students can work individually, in pairs, or in groups.

Word Scavenger Hunt

An interactive way to learn new vocabulary

A scavenger hunt around the classroom or school encourages students to find items based on vocabulary clues you provide. This activity not only helps with learning new words but also gets students moving and interacting with their environment.

How to Play

  • Prepare a list of vocabulary words or clues related to items found in the classroom or school.

  • Split the class into small groups and hand out the lists.

  • Groups must find and identify each item based on the clues within a set time limit.

Integrating these games to learn English in class can drastically improve student participation and retention. It turns learning into an enjoyable experience, helps break down barriers, and encourages students to practice their English in creative and interactive ways. So, next time you're planning your lessons, consider incorporating one of these fun games!

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