

Emma Robbie

Basic Spanish words to learn quickly

Basic Spanish words to learn quickly

Basic Spanish words to learn quickly

Are you starting your journey into the Spanish language? One of the quickest ways to make progress is by learning some basic Spanish words. You'll be surprised at how often you can use these words in everyday situations. Whether you’re planning a trip to Spain, improving your résumé, or simply exploring a new hobby, knowing a few simple terms can make a world of difference. Let's dive into the essential vocabulary you need to kickstart your Spanish learning journey!

Greetings and Basic Phrases

First things first, you need to know how to greet people and use common phrases. These words will be your gateway to polite and friendly interactions.

  • Hola - Hello

  • Adiós - Goodbye

  • Por favor - Please

  • Gracias - Thank you

  • Lo siento - I'm sorry

  • De nada - You're welcome

  • Buenos días - Good morning

  • Buenas tardes - Good afternoon

  • Buenas noches - Good night

Numbers and Counting

Numbers are critical, whether you're telling time, asking for prices, or counting items. Start with the basics.

  • Uno - One

  • Dos - Two

  • Tres - Three

  • Cuatro - Four

  • Cinco - Five

  • Seis - Six

  • Siete - Seven

  • Ocho - Eight

  • Nueve - Nine

  • Diez - Ten

Common Questions

Want to ask basic questions? These expressions will help you navigate through conversations more smoothly.

  • ¿Cómo estás? - How are you?

  • ¿Qué tal? - What's up?

  • ¿Dónde está... - Where is...?

  • ¿Cuánto cuesta? - How much does it cost?

  • ¿Qué hora es? - What time is it?

Essential Verbs

Verbs are the backbone of any language. Here are some you’ll find extremely useful.

  • Ser - To be (permanent)

  • Estar - To be (temporary)

  • Tener - To have

  • Hacer - To do, to make

  • Ir - To go

  • Venir - To come

Descriptive Adjectives

Describing things and people is easier when you know some key adjectives.

  • Bueno - Good

  • Malo - Bad

  • Grande - Big

  • Pequeño - Small

  • Bonito - Pretty

  • Feo - Ugly

Days of the Week

Lastly, knowing the days of the week can significantly help you in planning and understanding schedules.

  • Lunes - Monday

  • Martes - Tuesday

  • Miércoles - Wednesday

  • Jueves - Thursday

  • Viernes - Friday

  • Sábado - Saturday

  • Domingo - Sunday

Learning these basic Spanish words will give you a solid foundation to build upon. Try practicing them daily, and don't hesitate to use them in real-life situations. ¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)

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