

Emma Robbie

Arizona's definition of an English learner explained

Arizona's definition of an English learner explained

Arizona's definition of an English learner explained

Understanding Arizona's definition of an English learner is crucial for educators, parents, and students alike. Let's break it down in simple terms, so everyone can grasp what it means and why it's important!

So, What Is Arizona's Definition of an English Learner?

In Arizona, an English learner (EL) is a student who is not proficient in English. This is determined through standardized tests that assess a student's reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in English. If a student doesn't meet the set proficiency levels, they are identified as an English learner and receive additional educational support.

Why Does Arizona Have This Definition?

Arizona's definition of an English learner aims to ensure that all students receive the education they need. If a student struggles with English, it can affect their overall academic performance. By identifying these students, the education system can provide specialized instruction to help them improve their English skills and succeed in school.

How Are Students Identified?

The process usually starts with a Home Language Survey, which parents fill out when enrolling their child in school. If another language besides English is spoken at home, the student takes an English proficiency test. Based on the test results, the student may be classified as an English learner.

What Happens Next?

  1. Identification: Once identified, the student receives an Individual Language Learner Plan (ILLP).

  2. Instruction: They take part in English Learner (EL) programs that focus on improving English language skills while continuing their regular coursework.

  3. Assessment: Students are reassessed annually to track their progress.

  4. Exit Criteria: When they reach proficiency, they can exit the EL program.

Why Is This Important?

Understanding and adhering to Arizona's definition of an English learner ensures that no student falls through the cracks. By providing the right support, schools can create an inclusive environment where all students have the chance to succeed academically.

Parental Involvement

Parents play a huge role in their child's education. It’s essential for parents to stay informed by attending school meetings, understanding their child's ILLP, and communicating regularly with teachers.

Support Beyond the Classroom

  • Tutoring: Many schools offer after-school programs to help English learners.

  • Resources: Libraries and community centers often have resources specifically for English learners.

  • Parental Support Groups: These groups can provide additional guidance and a sense of community.


Understanding Arizona's definition of an English learner is the first step in ensuring that students receive the support they need to thrive. Whether you’re a parent, educator, or student, knowing this information helps create a better learning environment for everyone.

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