

Emma Robbie

20 common Spanish phrases for travel

20 common Spanish phrases for travel

20 common Spanish phrases for travel

Planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking country? Whether you're wandering the streets of Barcelona, relaxing on a beach in Mexico, or exploring the historic sites of Peru, knowing a few essential phrases can make your journey smoother and more enjoyable. Ready to learn Spanish phrases for travel? Here are 20 common phrases that will come handy on your adventures!

Basic Greetings and Polite Phrases

First impressions matter, and a friendly greeting can go a long way. Here are some basic phrases to get you started:

  1. Hola - Hello

  2. Buenos días - Good morning

  3. Buenas tardes - Good afternoon

  4. Buenas noches - Good evening/night

  5. Gracias - Thank you

  6. De nada - You're welcome

  7. Por favor - Please

  8. Perdón/Disculpe - Excuse me/Sorry

Questions You Might Need

Asking questions is key to navigating new places. These phrases will help you find your way around:

  1. ¿Dónde está [location]? - Where is [location]?

  2. ¿Cuánto cuesta? - How much does it cost?

  3. ¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta? - Can I pay by card?

  4. ¿Hablas inglés? - Do you speak English?

  5. ¿Qué hora es? - What time is it?

Essential Phrases for Eating Out

If you love trying local cuisine, these phrases will make ordering food a breeze:

  1. Una mesa para [number], por favor. - A table for [number], please.

  2. La cuenta, por favor. - The check/bill, please.

  3. ¿Qué recomienda? - What do you recommend?

  4. Sin [ingredient], por favor. - Without [ingredient], please.

  5. Para llevar, por favor. - To go, please.

Emergency Phrases

Hopefully, you won't need these, but it's good to be prepared. These phrases could be lifesavers:

  1. ¡Ayuda! - Help!

  2. Necesito un médico. - I need a doctor.

  3. Llame a la policía. - Call the police.

  4. Estoy perdido/a. - I am lost.

  5. ¿Dónde está el hospital? - Where is the hospital?

Useful Extras

Here are a few more phrases that might come in handy:

  1. ¿Puedo tomar una foto? - Can I take a picture?

  2. Necesito un taxi. - I need a taxi.

  3. No hablo mucho español. - I don't speak much Spanish.

  4. ¿Puedes repetirlo? - Can you repeat that?

  5. ¿A qué hora abre/cierra? - What time does it open/close?

And there you have it! These common Spanish phrases will help you connect with locals, navigate your surroundings, and have a more enriching travel experience. So brush up on these phrases, pack your bags, and get ready for your adventure. ¡Buen viaje! (Safe travels!)

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